An introductory work on tajweed for the beginner who is at least familiar with the letters of the Arabic alphabet.It presents the essential theory of tajweed in a manner specially adapted for the novice. Theoretical principles are accompanied by real-life examples yet kept at a bare minimum so as to not cause overload.
Sheikh Saleem Gaibie is resonant with excellent Quran recitation and profound knowledge on the nuances of Tajweed thanks to the supervision and able guidance of the noteworthy Qari Ayyub Ishaq. He also specialized in the Seven and Ten Qirat (the Sab’ah and ‘Asharah Qira’at), Rasm, ‘Ulum al-Qur’an among other Quranic studies under the same Qari.
The next big step in the progress of his education was receiving the Ijazah from reputed scholars and men of indisputable repute namely Qari Isma’il Ishaq , Sheikh Hasan Mustafa al-Warraq, Sheikh Ahmad Mia al-Thani, Sheikh Ayman Baqleh and Sheikh Ibrahim Salih alHussaini to name a few.
Currently, Shaykh Saleem is multi tasking several responsibilities with great ease and perfection among which are teaching Tajweed , Qiraat and ‘Uloom al-Qur’an at Dar al-‘Ulum al-‘Arabiyyah al-Islamiyyah, Strand Member of the Department of Qur’anic Affairs (D.Q.A.), under the auspices of the Muslim Judicial Council (M.J.C.), provincial Coordinator of SANQC (South African National Quran Competition) and Principal and director of “Al-Tanzil Institute of Quranic Sciences” which handles various branches of Qur’anic study like Tajweed Qiraa’aa, Rasm, ‘Ulum al-Qur’an and Tafsir .